Thursday, March 24, 2011

Japan Earthquake/Tsunami

     The definition of unity is " The combining or joining of separate things to form one".  What happened in Japan was terrible misfortune, one that not only tests the bravery of the country, but the kindness of others. All countries go through trying times, times that show countries' true colors. We went through one almost a decade ago,  when terrorists hijacked planes and destroyed the Twin Towers. Though we had many noble people from America that were heroes that day, but we probably couldn’t have gone through it without the support of other countries. What would have happened if other countries hadn't helped? What kind of people would we be if we didn’t help other human beings in this time of need. Even if we have had our fights and have different ideas culturally and politically, we are all human. I believe that the reason we are put on this Earth is to help each other, because alone we would be ruined. United, we make up an amazing human race. This is why I think we should help Japan.

Price Tag

Author's note: I recently heard a song called "Price Tag" by Jesse J. The song is about how today's word is revolved around money when, in simpler times it was about love and kindness.  I believe that this is a truly visionary song and should make people realize that life isn’t all about material items, so this piece will be about my opinions on today's society and money.

Money really is a dirty and sinful thing, but we can't seem to survive without it. We use it to buy things we think we need. We steal it. We con people out of it and gamble it. People use it as a lifeline. We will do anything for it. And all for what? The concept of money has been around since the beginning of civilization. But printed money and little pieces of solid material is all it is, and it’s almost silly to think that so many people will do anything for it. Don’t get me wrong, I like money just as much as the next person. The system isn't the bad thing. What's sad is that it seems that the world couldn’t revolve without it. People have an unconscious carnivorous craving for money.

Can't we all just forget about the prices and debts for one second, and enjoy the one gift that is given to us for free? The gift is life, the present, right now. We don’t have a mortgage on the moment. Money may be the reason we get far, but we don’t pay to wake up each morning, or live in this world. It is a gift from God that we shouldn’t take for granted. The way people are living now, is like getting the best present ever, but putting it aside, spending precious time trying to get all of the accessories for it.

One of my favorite lines in the song "Price Tag" is "We're payin' with love tonight." It means that the things you need to live a good life don’t need a price tag. They are priceless. All I hope is that one day we can all get a chance to live like this, even just for a little while.