Problem: What effect will temperature have on the color of a mood ring?
Hypothesis: If we cause the temperature of the mood ring to change, the color will change, also, because a mood ring is usually filled with liquid crystal, something that changes colors depending upon temperature.
Mood rings and mood beads
Heated Water
Room temp water
Jar with cap
Water thermometer
1. gather supplies
2. set up expiriment # 1 ( freezer)
3. set timer to 5 minutes
4. put mood rings/ beads into place
5. start timer
6.wait until timer goes off
7. examine mood rings and record observations
8. do steps 2-7 with other experiments
9. clean up work area
1. gather supplies
2. set up expiriment # 1 ( freezer)
3. set timer to 5 minutes
4. put mood rings/ beads into place
5. start timer
6.wait until timer goes off
7. examine mood rings and record observations
8. do steps 2-7 with other experiments
9. clean up work area
Constant variable: the material inside the ring stays the same
Independent variable: temperature
Dependent variable: the color of the ring changed according to the temperature
My group wanted to know what made mood rings change colors. Our hypothesis was that the color of the ring would change if the temperature of it's surroundings changed. After doing research and testing out our theory with several experiments, we found that our hypothesis was supported. The mood rings all turned a different color when placed in areas with varying temperature. This is because the substance that mood rings contain is liquid crystal, which is also what is in LCD televisions have within them. When this substance is exposed to different temperatures, it twists and turns in different ways. When this happens, the liquid crystal absorbs certain light waves, and reflects other different ones creating the illusion we see as the changing colors.
Goals for next project:
Stay on track with estimated task times
Get deeper into the science
This project went probably as well as a first time scientific process project would go. We hit a lot of problems and definitely have a lot to improve on for next time. First, we were having problems finding mood rings to experiment on, but eventually found some at a craft store. We had the most problems with recording data and creating a graph with the results of the experiments, and ended up not having a graph at all. We probably should have researched the subject a lot more before we started experimenting. The one thing we did well was the actual experimenting. I felt that we thought of all the possible variables that there were and planned our experiments accordingly. Now that I've done this project, I have a good idea of what needs to be done for the scientific process.